Professional Home Modifications
Making Homes Safe & Accessible
NDIS Home modifications are often specified by an Occupational Therapist to make accessing and moving around the home safer and easier. SACAP offers the full range of home modifications including simple, minor and complex modifications.
Home Modifications
Accessibility Solutions
The home modifications team at SACAP are experienced and highly skilled carpenters. Before we start the modifications, we’ll take the time to chat with the client and caregivers to explain the changes we’re making and answer any questions. Our team go the extra mile to help and support clients throughout the process, so they always feel safe and comfortable.

Safety Rails
Concrete Pathways
Door Modifications
NDIS Home Modifications
Safety Rails
Grab rails and handrails are a quick and easy way to increase safety and accessibility around the home and help prevent falls. Our home modifications team offer a wide range of off-the-shelf and custom-designed rail systems designed for internal and external applications.
From simple grab rail installations in the bathroom, shower or kitchen to large rails along the hallway, driveway or stairs you can trust SACAP to deliver a quality and compliant installation.
NDIS Home Modifications
Ramps are a common accessibility modification to homes where the occupants have mobility issues or use a wheelchair or walking aids.

Threshold Ramps
Threshold ramps are the smallest ramps available and are ideal for internal and external doorways. They are used to bridge changes in floor levels between rooms or between the inside and outside of the home. Threshold ramps are suitable for heights of up to 35mm and are available in rubber, steel or aluminium.
Step Ramps
Step ramps are suitable for small steps from 35mm to 190mm in height. They are commonly used to provide a smooth transition from the exterior to the interior of the home and have an incline ratio of 1:10. Our step ramps come with a non-slip surface and they are available in wood, steel or aluminium.
Access Ramps
Access ramps are often used in steep areas that may have multiple steps. They have an incline ratio of between 1:12 to 1:20 depending on the application. Our team are expert in the installation of all types of access ramps and offer a range of modular or custom-designed ramps suitable for internal or external applications. All access ramps include a non-slip surface finish and can be installed over existing steps.
NDIS Home Modifications
Ramps are a common accessibility modification to homes where the occupants have mobility issues or use a wheelchair or walking aids.
Platform Steps
Platform steps are a common accessibility aid for homes where occupants use walking frames, wheely walkers or suffer from mobility issues. The low step heights (risers) make it easy for users to lift and transfer the walking aid between steps. SACAP offers a range of deep and wide platform steps that will be custom made to suit your space.
Platform steps can be fabricated from wood, steel or concrete and come complete with a high visibility stair nosing and non-slip surface to provide excellent performance in both wet and dry conditions.
Half Step
Half steps are a common modification in homes where users have mobility issues but do not require a wheelchair. Our team can install a single wide platform step to reduce the height of a step for easier access to the home. Half steps are custom built to your requirements and come in steel or timber.
NDIS Home Modifications
Concrete Pathways
SACAP can design bespoke, reinforced concrete pathways in areas where modular ramps are not suitable. Our team can widen an existing pathway or create a new pedestrian pathway with a minimum width of 1000mm.
NDIS funding will cover a pathway from the front boundary of the property or car parking area to an accessible entrance to the home. All concrete pathways will be designed per AS1428.1 and have a brushed or trowelled non-slip finish.
NDIS Home Modifications
Door Modifications

Widening Doorways
Doorway widening is an essential home modification for wheelchair users. Most standard doorways in Australia are 820mm wide, however, door sizes start at 720mm and can go up to 870mm wide.
SACAP can widen all internal and external doors including sliding cavity doors to allow for safe and comfortable wheelchair access. Standard wheelchairs are 635mm wide and require a minimum unobstructed opening of 850mm. Our team will widen the door opening to 900mm to allow clear passage when the door hardware is fitted.
Door Catches & Automation
The team at SACAP will work with your Occupational Therapist and healthcare providers to ensure we deliver optimum outcomes based on your individual needs. New and existing doors can be installed with magnetic catches or automated openers for easy operation.